The Sherwood R. Simons Achievement Award
The Sherwood R. Simons Achievement Award
In 1967 a group of parents who had children with special needs joined together and formed The Arc of Loudoun, a non-profit organization, in the hopes of starting a preschool that would accept their children when no one else would. Mr. Sherwood Simons and his wife, Ann Simons, were one of those families who were looking for their son to have “A Life Like Yours”. They wanted him to have a school where he would be welcomed like every other child….where he could feel included, have friends, feel safe, and be given the opportunity to learn and reach his maximum potential.
Thanks to the Simons Family and the dedication of many parents who came afterwards, The Arc of Loudoun has grown into a full service organization, with multiple programs and services that together, serve over 3,000 children and adults with disabilities, and their families each year.
At The Arc, we do our best to meet the needs of the disability community, but we cannot do it alone. With estimates of approximately 16,000 children with intellectual and developmental disabilities in Loudoun County alone, collaboration with other non- profits, government agencies, corporate partners, and many caring and dedicated individuals is absolutely necessary to achieve “A Life Like Yours”.
With the creation of the Sherwood R. Simons Award, we are celebrating a community member who has made a significant impact in helping the disability community achieve the goal of “A Life Like Yours”. They have worked diligently in their personal or professional life to make sure that individuals with disabilities are valued for what they CAN do, rather than for their limitations. They have worked to make sure that this community is treated with fairness, kindness and justice. They are the one fulfilling the dream that parents will no longer have to search for a place for their child to fit in…..they will be welcomed with open arms.