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At The Arc of Loudoun, we strive to bring about a just, equitable world for people with disabilities.

How can we help?

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What is a disability?

At The Arc of Loudoun, we define a disability as any condition that prevents, delays, or interferes with a person’s typical development or optimal achievement. A disability may be classified as behavioral, emotional, developmental, intellectual, learning, physical, or sensory. Disabilities may be temporary – as when a person is healing from a broken bone, and disabilities may be invisible – as when someone is experiencing mental illness.

Families supported this fiscal year!

Largest private employer in Leesburg’s Historic District!

Years serving the community!
In Annual Scholarships!
What Our Clients Think About Us

What Our Clients Think About Us

The Arc – National Affiliate

The Arc of Loudoun is a local chapter of The Arc of the United States. The Arc of the United States promotes and protects the human rights of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities and actively supports their full inclusion and participation in the community throughout their lifetimes.

Candid Platinum Transparency 2024
Champions for Accountability 2023-2024
Best of Loudoun Finalists - 2024