Applied Behavior Analysis
What does Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) mean?
Applied Behavior Analysis: Behavior analysis uses basic behavior principles to reinforce wanted behavior (including learning, verbal behavior, etc.) and decrease unwanted behavior (including challenging behavior, tantrums,etc.).
One important tool used to assist in increasing a learner’s positive behaviors is the principle of positive reinforcement. In utilizing positive reinforcement, positive behaviors are followed by some sort of reward, which increases the likelihood that these behaviors will continue to occur in the future. It is important that these rewards are motivating for the child.
While ABA therapy is a structured approach, each child’s goals, behavior plans, and teaching methods are highly individualized to meet their unique needs and to help them reach their fullest potential. This means that ABA sessions, treatment plans, and behavioral interventions will look different for every child.
Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP): Some children might need an intervention plan to decrease unwanted behavior. Consistency is key to reducing challenging behavior.
Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA): A behavior analyst specializes in finding and treating the function of behavior. BCBAs are certified by a national board for which certification includes education, experience hours, testing, and continuing education.
Challenging Behavior: Challenging behavior comes in all forms from tantrums to biting, from a delay in communication to talking too much, potty issues, elopement, etc. We’ll work together with parents using sound behavior principles to change challenging behavior.
Direct Instruction: Using structured teaching procedures; usually teaching incremental units of a lesson in a small group format.
Function of Behavior: When looking at challenging behavior, we want to know the function of the behavior, or why someone is behaving the way they do. If we know why the behavior is occurring, we then know how to try and change it.
Measurement/ Data Collection: Using objective standards to measure progress.
Positive Reinforcement: Reinforcement comes in many forms from praise, to tokens, to rewards. We look for the best in our students and clients and reinforce it! Plus, it’s more fun to reinforce students and clients.
Verbal Behavior: The analysis of communication according to basic behavioral principles, namely positive reinforcement.